“For the Christian, death is not the end of adventure but a doorway from a world where dreams and adventures shrink, to a world where dreams and adventures forever expand.” 
― Randy Alcorn, Heaven

Tom Delaney was a talented Jazz musician and songwriter. In 1948, Delaney penned the phrase, “Ev’rybody wants to go to Heaven; but nobody wants to die!” For many people, inside the church and outside the church, this is how they feel about death. Death is not something any of us look forward to, but for those who have faith in Christ, death is only the final moment of suffering in which we enter the glory of Heaven. 


Tomorrow we begin a new sermon series, a three-week Biblical study of Heaven.  There are lots of movies and books that say creative and wild things about Heaven, but what does the Bible say?  Here’s some of Paul’s encouragement to us about keeping our hearts focused on things above:

Paul wrote to the church at Corinth about the gospel.  Gospel means “good news.”  What is the good news he tells them?

This story takes place in the time following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus, when the early church was taking shape and reaching new people by preaching the good news of Christ..