Impact Report

November 2023

Timberlake is living out our mission to Reach, Feed, and Release people to be the hands and feet of Jesus. This past month, we've grown and worshipped together in the name of Jesus. 

Scroll down to check out how God has been at work through the hands and feet of our people.


From Our Executive Director

Mark Coleman

As we move closer to Thanksgiving and our Advent Season, we have much to be grateful for. The Holy Spirit is on the move at Timberlake. God's beautiful provisions and blessings are palpable and visible. Every week, visitors come to find out if it's true what they've heard from others about what is happening here. These guests are returning, becoming engaged, joining, and being baptized! God is good! 


God is blessing the church financially. At our Annual Member's Meeting on Sunday, October 29, our members unanimously approved the largest budget in Timberlake history – in response to the year-over-year increases in giving. The Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts of the Timberlake Family to express their faith in, and gratitude to, God through new giving and increased giving. 

 On I Love My Church Sunday – the kickoff of our Commitment '24 Campaign, we have received over $775,000 in pledges – in just two days.


At the Member's Meeting, the Child Development Center Budget, the Amended and Revised Bylaws, and the 2024 Leadership Nomination slate were unanimously approved.


Church Council has approved the plan to move the 8:15 AM Traditional Service to 9:00 AM, beginning Sunday, November 26. During our six-month trial – moving service times and adding a new service has reaped the rewards of growing attendance at our Modern Services. Still, we have experienced a decline in Traditional Service attendance. We had a few people leave with disaffiliation; some can no longer come due to health issues, but the one thing we do have control over is the time of the service. 


We will begin a new trial for the next six months – moving the Traditional Service to 9 AM but keeping the first Modern Service at 9:45 AM.  There will be tradeoffs. First, the preaching pastor in the Traditional Service must leave after the sermon. Our other pastors will stay and finish the service and greet people as they leave. Sound and parking will also be a challenge. We are working to address both issues best. Your patience and grace were wonderfully displayed over the last many months, and we know this will continue through this next phase.


Seeing the Timberlake Church family energized with generosity, service, Christian love, and faith is exciting. There is genuinely an excitement about what God has in store for us. Timberlake has experienced several spiritual tests in the last year, but the family has pulled together and recommitted themselves as a church body to God and each other. The spiritual growth and maturity we are experiencing is a testament to your faithfulness in being faithful disciples of Jesus.


As we enter into the final months of 2023, please pray about your financial giving and pledges made a year ago for 2023. Next year, we will start making facility decisions, determining the right size and renovating our buildings. 


Remember, a "church" is not a building. The church is a local group of believers who make up the body of Christ. When we say, "I Love My Church," we aren't talking about brick and wood. We Love Our Church – means we love each other and endeavor to do so the way Christ loves us. Timberlake Church is people. Flawed, for sure. Yet, we are loving, forgiving, encouraging, praying, worshipping, giving, and serving!


Enjoy and be grateful for God's love and countless blessings,

Rev. Mark Coleman, Executive Pastor

Our mission is to reach, feed, and release people to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Let's Celebrate!


New Members in October:

Donna Glass, Tom McCraw






We Are Growing!

Sunday's worship attendance is steadily growing!

On-Campus Average Attendance in October - 562


Average attendance for 8:15 AM Traditional - 140

Average attendance for 9:45 AM Modern - 305

Average attendance for 11:15 AM Modern - 117



Online Average Reach in October - 736

Reach represents the number of times the video links were clicked and watched for various time lengths, not how many people watched the complete service, nor by how many people.


Average attendance for 8:15 AM Traditional - 353

Average attendance for 9:45 AM Modern - 384


How we are growing in our discipleship at Timberlake.

LifeGroups - 303

People attended LifeGroups in October


Number of Men that attended LifeGroups - 94

Number of Women that attended LifeGroups - 186

Number of Children and Students that attended LifeGroups - 117


LifeGroups have continued to stay busy as the school year takes full stride. We have continued growing, adding another LifeGroup to our list in October. As people join Timberlake Church, we are continuing to make efforts to demonstrate how important LifeGroups are to the life and health of the church. It is our sincerest goal to have everyone who comes to Timberlake plug into a LifeGroup.


In October, we focused on the spiritual discipline of service. I have heard wonderful stories of how LifeGroups have done service projects as a group in response to the focus of service as the discipline. I have also heard stories of personal growth as individuals practiced the personal discipline of service.


As we look forward to November, we are focusing on the discipline of worship. I look forward to how people make this discipline personal. Furthermore, we are excited to nail down the curriculum for Advent. All LifeGroups, for two weeks in Advent, will be focused on the same lesson. I trust that the Lord will use these lessons and the unity of all groups to bring about healthy spiritual growth. God is good and His grace is everlasting!


- Rev. Jesse Caro, Pastor of Discipleship





Serving - 255

People served in October


Number of people that served in Missions - 67


I greet you with all things pumpkin spice and the chill of Fall in the air. Timberlake is gearing up for a busy Fall and Winter season. The Lord continues to bless our efforts, and we are ever thankful for another month of His faithfulness to Timberlake. Two new members joined Timberlake Church on October 17. Donna Glass and Tom McCraw professed their faith in the Lord and were committed members through worship, groups, service, and giving during the Traditional service. Donna and Tom are already involved at Timberlake, and I know the Lord will continue to use them mightily. Welcome to the family! Our second Together Night was October 4 and it was a huge success. Sandy Tilley and her team provided an amazing meal while all had a great connection and fellowship. These ladies share their love of cooking with us during Together Nights and many other times throughout the year. Give them a big THANK YOU for filling your belly with a good meal!  As we look ahead to November, we are gearing up for a month of remembering God's goodness and being thankful. We'll start on Wednesday, Nov. 1, with the Chili Cookoff sponsored by Student Ministries: same place, same time as Together Night. Our final Starting Point for 2023 will be on Sunday, Nov. 12. Click the button below to register. Sunday, Nov. 19, we will gather as a church for our Annual Timberlake Thanksgiving Meal. We need YOU to provide side dishes to share with everyone. Sandra and Shannell Burnette have graciously provided ALL the desserts for this meal. Thank you, Sandra and Shannell, for this incredible blessing and for sharing your homemade treats with the Timberlake family.  Thanks be to God for his daily faithfulness! 



- Jen Davenport, Director of Connections & Hospitality


2023 Financial Impact

Annual Operating Budget - $1,155,000

What we received YTD though September 30, 2023 - $979,047

What we spent YTD through August 31, 2023 - $848,555

Administrative Expenses 28%
Facilities 15%
Senior Care & Congregational Care 6%
Children & Nursery 7%
Student Ministry 4%
Missions 14%
Worship 18%
Discipleship 3%
Hospitality and Connections 5%

Click the button below for our Timberlake Profit & Loss vs Actual Summary Report Through September 30, 2023

Click the button below for our September 2023 Church Council Minutes

Mission Spotlight

Isaiah 117 House

One of Timberlake's LifeGroups, "The Experiencing God" felt the call to help Isaiah 117 House this month by making 112 homemade fruit cups for an event they held. 


We also donated $3,000 from our 2022 Christmas Eve offering to this amazing mission to help with physical and emotional support in a safe and loving home for children awaiting placement.

The Experiencing God LifeGroup

Ministry Updates


Hello from the Children's Ministry at Timberlake Church! Our Wednesday night TreeHouse Kids LifeGroup for K-5th graders continues to create an uplifting impact through the joy of service. In October, we brightened the spirits of our community by putting our hearts into coloring special custom candy bar wrappers to support our Fillin' Station mission, which provides food to our beloved neighbors. We were delighted to share 94 of these bars at the food distribution event, spreading love and kindness with every treat. What's more, that Monday marked an incredible achievement for The Fillin' Station, as it served a record-breaking number of families in October, with more than 100 families! We invite all our friends in K-5th grade to join us every Wednesday, either for this heartwarming service or for other meaningful, future projects. Please remember that due to safety considerations, we can only accommodate a few children at a time during food distribution. We are profoundly grateful for your unwavering support and partnership as we continue our journey to make a positive difference. Thank you for being a part of our mission.


Erin Colbert & Jessica Reynolds


Happy Thanksgiving from Student Ministries! It is no secret that Student Ministries has had a jam-packed schedule this past month. With two all-night lock-ins, two off-campus events, one service project, our regular Sunday Morning LifeGroup, High School Ministry Night, and Middle School Ministry Night, you can tell we have been busy! Yet somehow, while running around the church at 3 AM and planning for the future, the Lord has provided a stillness and assurance within our ministry to which we shout at the top of our lungs, Jehovah Jireh! God, You are the one who provides; we say it over and over again. Since we last spoke, the Lord has provided a sense of discipleship, family, and empowerment from the Holy Spirit like never before, and He is growing our ministry! In the past month, 16 new students have visited our ministry who have never visited our church before, to which again we say, Jehovah Jireh, Lord, You are the one who provides. We cannot wait for this month with our BIG community Thanksgiving Dinner at 5 PM in the Family Life Center and our Advent Decorating Party at 12:30 PM that same day, November 19th.


Happy November, Timberlake,
Love Student Ministries


The OWLS (Older, Wiser, Livelier Seniors) enjoyed a minature golf tournament in October. Trophies went to Buddy Vaughan (1st place), Ken Kiger (2nd place), and Andrea Miller (3rd place)!


November 14 we will be honoring our Veterans with a "Thank you for your service" lunch, while enjoying a presentation and singing by our Child Development Center and some of our Timberlake Men!


Timberlake Thursday Morning Men's Ministry meet every other Thursday in Hughes Hall. They are growing! They have had seven new members in the last month. This fall, they have bought new toys for Timberlake's Nursery and continue to pack food bags for the families at Tomahawk Elementary that are food insecure. This week, thanks to the LifeGroup, Circle of Friends, the men added a treat bag to all their families!


Thursday Morning Men's Ministry enjoy eating breakfast together, having a short devotion, and having fellowship with each other! Join them! All Timberlake men are invited


You can learn more and register for our events on our church app.  

Child Development Center

Our programs enjoy intergenerational engagement opportunities, and a few of our preschool classrooms loved their visit to the Summit for some Trick or Treating. They will also be participating in the upcoming O.W.L.S. "Thank You For Your Service" lunch event. The costume parade is always a big hit and is highly attended by parents and grandparents showing their support. 


The Timberlake Missions Team recently showed their support of our CDC staff by blessing them with the remainder of their school year wishlist items. These items will help enrich daily activities in the classrooms while also making an impact on the teachers.


The Logan's Lane memorial is complete, and we spent an evening remembering him while praying for the Kozlowski family and all the children who will enjoy these new additions for years to come in Logan's memory.



Address: 21649 TImberlake Road, Lynchburg, VA 24502

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 3 PM

Phone: 434.239.1348
