Impact Report

January 2024

Timberlake remains steadfast in our mission to Reach, Feed, and Release people to be the hands and feet of Jesus. In the past month, our community has witnessed remarkable growth, both in numbers and in the shared experience of worshiping together in the name of Jesus. This impact report serves as a testament to the ongoing commitment and collective strides we've made towards fostering positive change in the lives we touch. Join us as we reflect on the impactful moments and celebrate the progress achieved in living out our mission.


From Our Executive Pastor

Mark Coleman

Timberlake Church Family,


2024 is off to a wonderful start, and 2023 closed with quite a "bang." Our Christmas Eve services were well attended, with more than 1,200 people on campus for the four services. Our 2023 General Fund giving totaled $1,404,258. This represents 22% over our budget. Expenses were 2% below budget, resulting in a net of $271,760 for future needs (expansion and renovations) and next year's capital projects (needed repairs and improvements). Our 2023 Christmas Eve Miracle Offering totaled more than $85,000! Our total 2023 Designated ministry/missions giving (including Christmas Eve) was $363,899. This brings the total giving of all sources to $1,768,157. This is not bragging about people but celebrating all that God is doing in and through his people at Timberlake!


Remember that this does not include the money you spent buying Christmas Child Blessings gifts (projected at more than $26,000). When you add in the thousands of volunteer hours as the Timberlake Family served the church and the community, it is incredible to see our family's generosity and the blessings from our God, who deserves all praise, thanks, and glory. Isaiah 43:18-19 comes to mind. God speaks to the children of Israel through his prophet Isaiah, saying, "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." (ESV) 


We will have many more details and stories on performance, ministries, and impact in the 2023 Annual Report that will be distributed in February. In short, these data points are just that - "data." But they each represent how Timberlake – how YOU, are faithful in fulfilling the mission to Reach, Feed, and Release people to be the hands and feet of Jesus.


Blessings in this new year, and overflowing peace and grace,


Rev. Mark Coleman, Executive Pastor

Our mission is to reach, feed, and release people to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Let's Celebrate!


New Members in December:

Angela Hendricks, Autumn Hendricks, Zachary Lewis, Roy Langdon, Deborah Sadowski, Judy Seamster


We Are Growing!

Sunday's worship attendance is steadily growing!

On-Campus Average Attendance in December - 456


Average attendance for 9 AM Traditional - 204

Average attendance for 9:45 AM Modern - 346

Average attendance for 11:15 AM Modern - 172



Online Average Reach in December - 618

Reach represents the number of times the video links were clicked and watched for various time lengths, not how many people watched the complete service, nor by how many people.


Average attendance for 9 AM Traditional - 381

Average attendance for 11:15 AM Modern - 389


How we are growing in our pursuit to live a life that resembles the life of Christ.


317 people attended LifeGroups in December


67 Men attended LifeGroups*

155 Women attended LifeGroups*

126 Children and Students attended LifeGroups*


In December, all LifeGroups were able to teach a prepared Advent lesson. Pastor Jesse and Pastor Brad prepared these lessons specifically for the season and our church. In addition, LifeGroups (many of them) were able to have a Christmas-related mission/service project that ministered to our Lynchburg community. Many of our groups celebrated Christmas by having Christmas parties that encouraged fellowship within the group. Our LifeGroups, furthermore, were reminded of the spiritual discipline of Simplicity as a reminder of all that our Savior left (the comforts and conveniences of Heaven) to come and become a man for us. Every month, the intentional practice of a particular spiritual discipline is encouraged among LifeGroups. We look forward to what God will continue to do in January and into the new year.


Rev. Jesse Caro, Pastor of Discipleship


*These numbers are what was reported in the system.

Not every LifeGroup reports in the system or met in December.


222 people served in December


89 people served in Missions


Welcome to 2024, friends! I bring you good news about December. God continues to bring new people to see and experience the presence of God. The Church Sisters concert kicked off the season, and many Timberlake elves assembled treat bags with homemade goodies on over 300 seats for everyone to enjoy. We all enjoyed the Christmas decorations around campus, and thanks to our behind-the-scenes folks who added a festive touch during the season. The coffee bar team served Christmas cookies for the CDC Preschool Age Christmas program, and the kids enjoyed a treat after their concert. Christmas Eve brought four beautiful candlelight services and 1, 283 people to our campus. Sandra and Shannell Burnette provided homemade sweet treats for all services, and hot cocoa and candy canes added the perfect touch. So many people are behind the scenes, helping create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can be felt. Holding doors, smiling faces, assisting people to find seats during worship, and going the extra mile. I continue to be amazed at your hearts for Jesus and finding meaningful ways to serve our church and community. If you want to be part of this ministry of hospitality, I invite you to attend Hospitality Lunch & Learn on Sunday, February 4, 2024, from 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM in The Mill. Registration for this event is required. Lunch is provided. Have a blessed year 2024 in the Lord!



Jen Davenport, Director of Connections & Hospitality


2023 Financial Impact

Annual Operating Budget - $1,155,000

What we received YTD though December 31, 2023 - $1,402,738

What we spent YTD through December 31, 2023 - $1,132,497

Administrative Expenses 23%
Facilities 19%
Senior Care & Congregational Care 6%
Children & Nursery 7%
Student Ministry 7%
Young Adult 1%
Missions 3%
Worship 23%
Discipleship 5%
Hospitality and Connections 6%

Click the button below for our Timberlake  Budget vs Actual Summary Report Through December 31, 2023

Mission Spotlight

Christmas Blessings

Our Christmas Blessings mission greatly impacts our community each year as we sponsored over 300 children in our direct community with Christmas gifts this year. Thank you, Timberlake, for your generosity and love with those in need!


  • 326 Children Sponsored
  • 9 Local Schools Supported
  • Over 24 Volunteers on Sorting Day
  • Over 12 Hours Volunteered for Sorting and Delivery
  • 8 "Elves" (shoppers) Helped in the Weeks Leading Up


Christmas Blessings 2023 Sorting Day

Ministry Updates


We're thrilled to kick off the new year by reflecting on the impact and achievements within our Children's Ministry. Your support and dedication make a positive difference in the lives of our young members. Here are highlights:

1. CHRISTmas Workshop Express 2023:

We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to CHRISTmas Workshop Express. We welcomed 75 children, supported by over 89 volunteers, making it a joyous morning filled with games, crafts, songs, stories, and lunch. Exploring the true meaning of FAITH and what it means to BELIEVE, this event exemplified the spirit of community and shared purpose. 

2. VBS: Our fantastic VBS adventure last summer was a resounding success while raising $1582.97 in funds! Thanks to your generosity, the Missions Team matched this amount, resulting in a total donation of $3166 to Samaritan's Purse for the Clean Water Projects in Ukraine. This contribution will impact the provision of desperately needed water. Locally, your generosity also supported our collection of school supplies for community schools, ensuring students have the tools they need for academic success.


We're already gearing up for another exciting VBS adventure next summer! Save the date for Monday, July 29 - Thursday, Aug 1! We will embark on a thrilling journey with the theme: Babylon - Daniel's Courage in Captivity!


As we enter this new year, we express our deepest gratitude for your continued support. 



The TreeHouse Kids Team


Howdy and Happy 2024! What a remarkable 2023 we had at Student Ministries, and 2024 is already heating up to be one of the best years yet!  In December, we celebrated the season of Advent, which is all about waiting on the Lord and trusting that He is our Savior and great sustainer for all time. Despite the busy Christmas season, our students stopped to pray and serve our church community and the Lynchburg community by partnering with The Christmas Blessings Ministry. We also had seven new students visit our campus and participate in our beloved events like the Progressive Dinner and Christmas Party. We trust that the Lord is working in mighty ways, and we praise Him because He is moving in miraculous ways right in front of our faces. Hallelujah, Maranatha! 


When I think of 2024, the word sustaining has consistently come to mind. As Student Ministries prepares our hearts for this new year, further plans and dreams, and sets our gaze upon the Lord and where He is leading us, I am affirmed that whatever God has in store for us will be sustaining. This year, we desire to teach our students that Jesus isn't interested in the next and fading trend but in making Himself normal and consistent in our lives. We desire to preach that Christ isn't about moving on to the next big thing; He is all about pouring into our lives so that we become a new creation. Jesus is here to stay, and He is here to sustain us always. Join us in declaring these words over our and Timberlake student's lives. 


Winter Camp is just around the corner, and we couldn't be more stoked to spend a whole weekend diving into one of the most powerful chapters in Scripture: Romans 8, which is also our Bible passage of the school year. Together, we will take a deep look into the meaning of "NOTHING can separate us from the love of God" because we know that our God is, again, sustaining, lasting, and eternal, and His love for us is perfect! "neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:39  Happy New Year, and may you worship and enjoy the Lord with all your heart, mind, and soul this year. 


Mucho blessing, 

Makayla Jacobs 

Director of Student Ministries 


In December, the Senior Ministry at Timberlake met at Charley's for a Christmas lunch. About 50 joined us for lunch, enjoying treats and fellowship and playing Dirty Santa. Our covered dish lunch on Tuesday, January 9th, was wonderful! Croft Maranda shared info with us, and we enjoyed an afternoon of games.


In February, we will be treated to a Valentine's lunch. The menu will be swiss steak, baked potato, salad, and assorted desserts. Be on the lookout for the registration!


On March 18-20, we will travel to Kentucky to tour the Noah's Ark Museum. The cost is $325/pp. Register and pay your deposit by clicking the button below!  Spots are filling up fast! Please register as soon as possible!

Child Development Center

The Child Development Center wrapped up 2023 filled with the Christmas spirit. Our preschoolers made a joyful noise singing for “The Joy of Christmas” program early in the month. This event is always one of our favorites and welcomes so many families and friends to support our group of over 100 children participating, ages 2-5. The school-age children collected items for Lynchburg Health and Rehab and Oakwood residents for their Christmas mission. They delivered the items with 25 large print bibles and sang Christmas carols during the school break. Our infants and toddlers enjoyed many indoor winter-themed activities to keep them busy and develop their large and fine motor skills. 


At the beginning of the month, the Child Development Center was highlighted during the Church Sisters Concert hosted by Timberlake Church. There was an opportunity to give to the Tuition Assistance Fund. During this event, a collection totaling $3,716.50 was given to help families facing financial hardship. We are so grateful to be part of the Timberlake Church mission and for the outpouring of support.



Address: 21649 TImberlake Road, Lynchburg, VA 24502

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9 AM - 3 PM

Phone: 434.239.1348
