Haggai 1:4
Is it time for you yourselves to live in your paneled houses, while this house remains desolate
Reflection: Sermon Thoughts: Part 2
Written By: Pastor Jesse Caro
I lived in our last home in Ohio for 8 years. I bought the house from a landscaper, the most well-known landscaper in Tiffin. Brian Bilgers was his name. Very nice man. When I bought the house, it was clear that he cared about every detail of the lawn and landscaping. The landscaping was the nicest on Coe Street and I signed a contract with him so that he could maintain the lawn in the pristine condition I found it in when I bought the house. For eight years he kept the lawn beautifully green and managed.
The interior was a different story. I spent eight years finishing the basement, replacing this and fixing that. It was a real labor of love with plenty of “sweat equity” and Youtube videos to help me along the way. I loved that house and put genuine time and energy into the home. It was not a big house, but it was home to my beautiful family for a decade. Can you imaging a world in which God’s house was neglected for 16 years? How might God have felt? How might God feel when we are more passionate for our house than his?
Lord, keep our passions in check, and may we care as much for your house as ours!