ROOTED - Thursday, October 3, 2024

Acts 4:1, 2
The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. 2 They were greatly disturbed because the apostles were teaching the people, proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection of the dead.


Reflection: Sermon Thoughts, A Disturbing Gospel Part 1
Written By: Pastor Jesse Caro

When I was in college, I had a roommate named David. He and I got along pretty well. We were in dorm 10, around the old “circle” at Liberty. He knew that I was a “Bible Student” (I was studying for an undergraduate in Biblical Studies). It became evident to me (a young whipper snapper) that he was not a believer, and I proceeded to share the good news with him over the course of time. It surprised me that a student would come to Liberty not truly being a believer, but he was certainly one of those students. I can tell you, the conversations were awkward and not well received. I have learned to expect that initial reaction to the Gospel.
The Bible says as much, does it not… that the Gospel can often be rejected and can lead to some awkward moments. Note that in Acts 4 the priestly class was disturbed by the proclamation of Jesus and resurrection from the dead. They did not want to hear it. Indeed, they were “greatly disturbed.” It is the nature of the Gospel. It offends and disturbs (at least if it is presented honestly). So, one must share the disturbing Gospel with as much love as one can muster, and pray for a good result. As to David… he did eventually become a follower of Christ!

Lord, help us to be clear, passionate, and loving speakers of the Truth of the Gospel. Do a work in us to make us both gracious and true!