1 Peter 1:3
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
Easter Sunday is tomorrow. While the disciples waited, and hoped, we do not need to do so. We know the end of the story. The Gospels are basically silent about Saturday’s Holy Week events. Everyone was despairing and in shock. Jesus is dead. Now what? Again, we have the vantage point of looking back. The disciples were living it in real time, and with that came the genuine shock, wonder and amazement of Sunday.
I encourage you tomorrow, on Easter, to wake up with the wonder, joy and amazement of the original disciples. Wake up and remind yourself that Jesus is risen. Ask the Spirit of God to give you a fresh and new sense of hope and wonder at the reality that our Savior is not in a tomb. He is risen. We now have a living hope, with an imperishable inheritance in Christ. May Easter strike you with a full measure of God’s grace, and may your spirit soar to new heights as you know that Jesus lives.
Lord, we praise a risen Savior! Give us a full measure of joy as we celebrate our redemption in you!