ROOTED - Saturday, February 1, 2025

Deuteronomy 11:14
…then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and olive oil.

.Reflection: Bring on warmer weather!
Written By: Pastor Jesse Caro

Have I mentioned how much I detest winter? I hate the cold, loath freezing weather, and cringe at those who don’t. Tomorrow is Ground Hog Day, when Punxsutawney Phil will let us all know if he (a ground hog) sees his shadow. That fateful day will be the determinative moment as to whether or not Winter will persist for another matter of weeks… or if Spring will soon be upon us. I always root for him to NOT see his shadow as it means a shorter winter. I recognize this prognostication is not entirely accurate, but I celebrate nevertheless when the promise of a quick end to winter is delivered! It may be foolish, but I will hold on to any hope I can get my hands on!

Now, the summer is my favorite season, with its promise of the beach, heat, and summer grillin’. But I look forward to Spring the most. Spring is an escape from the horrors of winter, after all.  Furthermore, spring announces the soon arrival of intense heat! This announcement is ushered in by Spring birds who begin to sing their song, absent in the cold months of winter. Spring brings the life of blooming flowers and the greening grass. Spring is life (and so winter must be death!). And, while my feelings about winter are clear, I am grateful for the seasons and a God who loves us enough to give us a reprieve from the worst one: winter!


Lord, thank you for your favor on us! Thank you for the seasons… all four! Thank you that you are a God who is constant as the seasons we celebrate, always faithful and true!