ROOTED - Saturday, December 7, 2024

Romans 5:3-5
And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope: and hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Reflection: Tribulation!
Written By: Pastor Jesse Caro

I hate tribulations. The King James version, here, calls us to endure tribulations… what other translations call “trials.” No one likes trials, and yet we all experience them. I remind you, as I am sure I have in the course of writing these devotionals, that (though we hate them) they are brought to us in order to make us godly. Paul says that what trials eventually bring about is “proven character.” That is, trials bring about the kind of character change that makes us more like Christ.

I have said it before, and perhaps you have as well… “why am I going through this?” It is a common refrain when we go through things that we do not like. Indeed, occasionally someone will say something like, “maybe one day God will show me why I had to go through such and such.” But here is the thing: it is not a mystery!!!!!!!! We know!!! God has told us! We go through trials for one purpose and one alone: such that God changes us into people that look more like him. Character change: that is what God is aiming for. Now if that is true, then why do we try to get out of trials so quickly. If God has put us in a trial for our good, why should we try to get out of that trial as quickly as possible. Is it likely that we get out of trials all too often without learning what God wants us to learn? Is it possible that we get out just before God has had ample time to work in our hearts to impact change? The answer is clearly, “yes!”


Lord, may we endure trials, knowing that you use them for your purposes to make us holy. Let us learn to rest in the trials and know that you have a good end to all the circumstances in our lives, in Jesus’ name!