ROOTED - Monday, July 29, 2024

Ecclesiastes 5:2
Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.


Reflection: Sermon thoughts… Transcendence
Written By: Pastor Jesse Caro

Sunday, we looked at the passage of scripture in Ecclesiastes. The Teacher has instructed us here to worship well and has set up as his foundation the fact that God is transcendent. That is a term that itself is high and lofty!!! God is transcendent, above, big, and over all things. He transcends. Our worship is informed by this fact… that we are small, and God is big. We stand in awe of Him because he is glorious. Our worship would really be meaningless if we thought too highly of ourselves or thought too lowly of God. This, in a nutshell, is the framework of the admonition of the Teacher.
I never really thought that I was too big. I am an average size person, standing at 5’7”. Even among my peers in school I never felt small… at least not relative to the average person. And then, occasionally, you notice a football player or brush against a professional basketball player. When that happens, I realize immediately that I am small. It is a matter of perspective. And so it is with God: we never see ourselves as small until we get a good glimpse of God. And when we do, we are sized down. The key is really not to see ourselves rightly but to see God rightly. When we do, we tend to be better postured for genuine worship.


Lord, may we see you as we are meant to see you… majestic and lofty. And may our worship flow from a heart of awe and wonder today!